Pause YouTube history saves us in many situations. Mostly everyone spent countless hours per day watching random YouTube videos. Surely there are some embarrassing videos in our YouTube watch history that we don’t want others to find out.
Previously, you have to manually delete our YouTube history each time by going into the settings. But now we can do something that is almost as easy and good.
In this way, you can prevent YouTube from keeping a record of the videos you watch. In other ways, you can pause YouTube watch history and search history. So, let’s see how we can perform this magic trick.
How to Turn off YouTube Watch/Search History
This method pauses your YouTube Watch history and Search history. This is an account-wide setting. So, here YouTube will stop remembering the videos you watch on all your devices that use the same YouTube account.
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Here we are discussing two things,
- How to Pause YouTube Watch History
- How to Pause YouTube Search History.
Pause YouTube History
Let’s start with the easy procedures,
1 : Firstly, go to your YouTube App.
2 : Tap on your Account icon on the top right corner.

3 : Now, on the bottom side, select the Settings option right above Help and feedback.

4 : On the following screen, click on History and Privacy.

5 : Perform the following tasks one by one,
- Turn On “Pause Watch History”
- Turn On “Pause Search History”
- Tap on “Clear Watch History”
- Tap on “Clear Search History”

You are done!!. From now onwards, YouTube doesn’t remember any of your search histories or watch history on that specific Google account.
Additionally, if you are using multiple Google accounts on your smartphone, do the above procedure on all of them if you need very good privacy.
Pause YouTube Watch history or Search history disables the video watch/search logging on your YouTube account and thus it will not be shown anywhere. You can keep these settings as long as you want.
At some point, if you want to revert to the previous settings, follow the above steps and Turn off the pause watch and search history toggle.
Always keep in mind that even if you pause your YouTube watch history and using a web browser, it will still keep the history of your YouTube web pages in your browsing history. This can be only cleared by going to the browser history tab on your web browser and clearing it manually. If you are using the YouTube app, you don’t need anything to do in extra.
Closing Words
In conclusion, as we all have some videos that we don’t wish to show inside our YouTube history, you can pause it using this method now itself and stay relaxed. If you are interested to learn amazing YouTube Tricks like this, simply search it on our website or visit our HomePage for more fun stuff.